Browsing by author "Cooper, Rae"
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Australian Women's Working Futures: Are We Ready?
Hill, Elizabeth; Cooper, Rae; Baird, Marian; Vromen, Ariadne; Probyn, ElspethPublished 2018-01-01Australian governments have made gender equality in the workplace a priority, citing women’s enhanced engagement in the workforce as essential to raising living standards and securing Australia’s future prosperity (Commonwealth ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
Beyond the Pale: Cultural Diversity on ASX100 Boards
Groutsis, Dimitria; Cooper, Rae; Whitwell, GregPublished 2018-07-01This report presents a qualitative study of the cultural diversity of Australian boardrooms, a significantly under-researched, yet critical area of organisational leadership. The evidence we present was gathered through ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
Building access to high quality, flexible work
Cooper, Rae; Hill, ElizabethPublished 2021-11-30Research clearly demonstrates the benefits of high-quality flexible work for prosperous economies, businesses, and communities. Employers in all industries need access to a skilled and diverse workforce; governments can ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Covid-19, gender and work, October 2021
Hill, Elizabeth; Cooper, RaePublished 2021-10-15This Insights paper written for the Gender Equality in Working Life Research Initiative provides a high level summary of the evolving impact of the 2021 lockdowns on workforce gender inequality, based on ABS Labour force ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Designing Gender Equality into the Future of Law: Final Report
Foley, Meraiah; Tapsell, Amy; Cooper, Rae; Lee, Talara; Lipton, Briony; Rutledge-Prior, Serrin; Vromen, AriadnePublished 2023-09-11The legal profession has undergone profound transformation over the past two decades, driven by new technologies and forms of legal service delivery that are upending the traditional organisation of legal work. These changes ...Open AccessReport, Research -
Facilitating men’s involvement in care work
Hill, Elizabeth; Cooper, RaePublished 2021-11-30Research clearly demonstrates the benefits of men’s involvement in unpaid care for prosperous economies, businesses, communities and households. Young men increasingly expect to be able to combine care for family with a ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Gender dynamics in the post-pandemic future of work. High level data release for International Women’s Day 2023. Research note 1.
Hill, Elizabeth; Cooper, Rae; Ariadne, Vromen; Foley, Meraiah; Suneha, SeetahulPublished 2023-02-23The Australian Women’s Working Futures (AWWF) Project is a two-wave survey aiming at understanding the attitudes of young women and men aged 40 and under about their working futures. In 2017 the first nationally ...Open AccessReport, Research -
Gender Equality and the Future of the Legal Profession
Foley, Meraiah; Lipton, Briony; Cooper, Rae; Vromen, Ariadne; Rutledge-Prior, SerrinPublished 2022-11-23The legal profession is undergoing profound transformation, driven by new technologies and forms of legal service delivery that are upending the traditional organisation of legal work. These changes are disrupting career ...Open AccessReport, Research -
Gender equitable recruitment and promotion: Leading practice guide
Foley, Meraiah; Cooper, Rae; Mosseri, SarahPublished 2019-08-01Gender bias is pervasive at work and in organisations, creating inequalities at every stage of the employment cycle. Gender- based stereotypes affect which candidates get recruited for certain roles and which do not, which ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
Gendered Disrespect and Inequality in Retail Work: A Summary of Findings
Cooper, Rae; Foley, Meraiah; Good, Laura; Lipton, Briony; Rutledge-Prior, Serrin; Tapsell, Amy; Vromen, AriadnePublished 2023-02-14Retail is Australia’s second largest employing industry (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022), with approximately 10% of the Australian labour force working in the sector (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2022a). ...Open AccessReport, Research -
“Just another day in retail”: Understanding and addressing workplace sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry
Cooper, Rae; Hill, Elizabeth; Seetahul, Suneha; Foley, Meraiah; Harris, Marnie; Hock, Charlotte; Tapsell, AmyPublished 2024Sexual harassment is a systemic and pervasive feature of the retail industry ecosystem and a persistent part of daily interactions between retail workers, and their managers, peers and customers. It is such a common ...Open AccessReport, Research -
‘Non-traditional investors’? The work and career experiences of Australian women working in investment management
Oxenbridge, Sarah; Cooper, Rae; Baird, MarianPublished 2018-08-01This report forms part of a larger study of women working in three highly male-dominated sectors and occupations: investment management, automotive trades, and pilots. In Australia, women comprise 17 per cent of employees ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
‘One of the boys?’: The work and career experiences of Australian women working in automotive trades occupations
Oxenbridge, Sarah; Cooper, Rae; Baird, MarianPublished 2019-04-01This report forms part of a larger study of women working in three highly male-dominated sectors and occupations: investment management, automotive trades, and pilots. In Australia, women comprise 10-14 per cent of employees ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
Pandemic Pressures: Job Security and Customer Relations for Retail Workers
Vromen, Ariadne; Lipton, Briony; Cooper, Rae; Foley, Meraiah; Rutledge-Prior, SerrinPublished 2021This report offers insights into the challenges faced by retail, fast-food, and distribution workers during the pandemic and recent lockdowns. In focus is the impact on job security and worker-customer relations during ...Open AccessReport, Research -
Research-informed principles for a gender equitable recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic
Cooper, Rae; Hill, ElizabethPublished 2022-03-11The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed and amplified inequalities in the labour market. It has widened gender gaps in earnings, savings, workforce participation and unpaid care work. Disruptions to working lives and increased ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Skipping a beat: Assessing the state of gender equality in the Australian music industry
Cooper, Rae; Coles, Amanda; Hanna-Osborne, SallyPublished 2017-01-01This report demonstrates that male advantage is a pervasive feature of the Australian music industry. Using publicly available published data the report interrogates the industry dynamics that have produced a contemporary ...Open AccessReport, Technical -
Sustained knowledge work and thinking time amongst academics: gender and working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Peetz, David; Baird, Marian; Banerjee, Rupa; Bartkiw, Tim; Campbell, Shelagh; Charlesworth, Sara; Coles, Amanda; Cooper, Rae; Foster, Jason; Galea, Natalie; de la Harpe, Barbara; Leighton, Catherine; Lynch, Bernadette; Pike, Kelly; Pyman, Amanda; Ramia, Ioana; Ressia, Susan; Samani, Mojan Naisani; Southey, Kim; Strachan, Glenda; To, March; Troup, Carolyn; Walsworth, Scott; Werth, Shalene; Weststar, JohannaPublished 2022Article -
Technology and skills in the future of retail work: A summary of findings
Lipton, Briony; Vromen, Ariadne; Rutledge-Prior, Serrin; Good, Laura; Cooper, Rae; Foley, MeraiahPublished 2022-08-08Retail work is undergoing profound transformation, with rapid changes including digitisation, the collection and use of big data, and automation reshaping the industry and the skills required to work within it. These ...Open AccessReport, Research -
What do women want from work post-pandemic? A qualitative study of women in Western Sydney.
Cooper, Rae; Hill, ElizabethPublished 2022-05-02This report shows that the working women of Western Sydney expect and want to work in good jobs that provide economic security for themselves and their families. They want access to high-quality flexible working options, ...Open AccessReport, Research -
Women and the Future of Work: Report 1 of The Australian Women’s Working Futures Project
Baird, Marian; Cooper, Rae; Hill, Elizabeth; Probyn, Elspeth; Vromen, AriadnePublished 2018-01-01This publication reports the findings from a combined quantitative and qualitative study of Australian working women, aged under 40. It draws together four separate data sources: a nationally representative online survey ...Open AccessReport, Technical
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