Browsing by author "Collins, Andrew T."
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Accounting for Attribute Non-Attendance and Common-Metric Aggregation in a Probabilistic Decision Process Mixed Multinomial Logit Model: A Warning on Potential Confounding
Hensher, David A.; Greene, William H.; Collins, Andrew T.Published 2013-01-01Latent class models offer an alternative perspective to the popular mixed logit form, replacing the continuous distribution with a discrete distribution in which preference heterogeneity is captured by membership of distinct ...Open AccessArticle -
Autonomous Vehicles Down Under: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Sentiment
Greaves, Stephen; Smith, Brett; Arnold, Tony; Olaru, Doina; Collins, Andrew T.Published 2018-10-01Of the many issues surrounding the potential introduction of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), consumer response remains unclear. The current paper presents an empirical investigation of consumer sentiment towards AVs based on ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Choice Modelling With Time-varying Attributes, With an Application to Train Crowding
Collins, Andrew T.; Hensher, David A.Published 2017-07-01This study is concerned with the treatment of time-varying attributes (TVAs) in discrete choice models, where the attributes are some measure of the quality of an alternative that changes over some relevant measure of time. ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
A comparison of algorithms for generating efficient choice experiments
Quan, Wu; Rose, John M.; Collins, Andrew T.; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.Published 2011-10-01Stated choice (SC) studies typically rely on the use of an underlying experimental design to construct the hypothetical choice situations shown to respondents. These designs are constructed by the analyst, with several ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Constrained stated choice experimental designs
Collins, Andrew T.; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Rose, John M.Published 2014-10-01While a significant literature exists on the generation of experimental designs for stated choice experiments, little work has been done to effectively accommodate constraints on these designs. Constraints may include the ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Direct and cross elasticities for freight distribution access charges
Hensher, David A.; Collins, Andrew T.; Rose, John M.; Smith, Nariida C.Published 2013-02-01The interest in reform of road user charges for freight distribution in many countries continues unabated, linked to a desire to improve economic efficiency as well as recognition of the declining revenue base from traditional ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Estimation of stochastic scale with best-worst data
Collins, Andrew T.; Rose, John M.Published 2013-07-01Recently there has been a steady stream of literature advocating the best-worst response mechanism, where respondents are asked to sequentially choose the best and worst alternatives in a choice set, resulting in a partial ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Heterogeneity in decision processes: Embedding extremeness aversion, risk attitude and perceptual conditioning in multiple heuristics choice making
Hensher, David A.; Balbontin, Camila; Collins, Andrew T.Published 2017-02-01There is an increasing interest, in the discrete choice modelling literature, in alternative behavioural paradigms that represent ways in which individuals make choices when faced with a choice set of alternatives, under ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
How to better represent preferences in choice models: the contributions to preference heterogeneity attributable to the presence of process heterogeneity
Balbontin, Camila; Hensher, David A.; Collins, Andrew T.Published 2018-09-01Discrete choice studies, with rare exception, assume that agents act as if sources of observed utility are captured through a linear in parameters and additive in attributes (LPAA) form, with some interactions. A growing ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Interactive stated choice surveys: A study of air travel behaviour
Collins, Andrew T.; Rose, John M.; Hess, StephanePublished 2010-07-01Stated preference (SP) experiments are becoming an increasingly popular survey methodology for investigating air travel choice behaviour. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that SP experiments do not mirror decisions in ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Interrogation of responses to stated choice experiments: Is there sense in what respondents tell us?
Collins, Andrew T.; Hensher, David A.Published 2010-11-01There is an extensive and growing literature on the design and use of stated choice experiments. Such experiments are generally regarded as the preferred framework within which to collect data that is able to reveal the ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Search based internet surveys: Airline stated choice
Collins, Andrew T.; Rose, John M.; Hess, StephanePublished 2010-01-01Stated preference (SP) experiments are becoming an increasingly popular survey methodology for investigating air travel choice behaviour. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that SP experiments do not mirror decisions in ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Understanding buy in for risky prospects: Incorporating degree of belief into the ex ante assessment of support for alternative road pricing schemes
Hensher, David A.; Rose, John M.; Collins, Andrew T.Published 2012-10-01This paper investigates support for road pricing reform within the framework of a referendum voting choice model. Central to this task is how to identify ex ante support for specific road pricing schemes, such that the ...Open AccessWorking Paper -
Understanding Buy in for Risky Prospects: Incorporating Degree of Belief into the ex ante Assessment of Support for Alternative Road Pricing Schemes
Hensher, David A.; Collins, Andrew T.; Rose, John MPublished 2012-01-01This paper investigates support for road pricing reform within the framework of a referendum voting choice model. Central to this task is how to identify ex ante support for specific road pricing schemes, such that the ...Open AccessArticle
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