Browsing by author "Carter, SM"
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All care, but whose responsibility? Community juries reason about expert and patient responsibilities in prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer
Degeling, C; Carter, SM; Rychetnik, LPublished 2016-08-03General practitioners have implicitly been given responsibility for guiding men’s decisions about prostate-specific antigen–based screening for prostate cancer, but patients’ expectations of the bounds of this responsibility ...Open AccessArticle -
Assessing the public acceptability of proposed policy interventions to reduce the misuse of antibiotics in Australia: A report on two community juries
Degeling, C; Johnson, J; Iredell, J; Nguyen, KA; Norris, J; Turnidge, J; Dawson, A; Carter, SM; Gilbert, GLPublished 2017-01-01Objective To elicit the views of well-informed community members on the acceptability of proposed policy interventions designed to improve community use of antibiotics in Australia. Design Two community juries held in ...Open AccessArticle -
Balance, balancing and health
Lipworth, W; Hooker, C; Carter, SMPublished 2011-01-01In this article we explore the concept of balance in the context of health. We became interested in balance during a grounded theory study of lay conceptualizations of cancer risk, in which participants were concerned with ...Open AccessArticle -
Beliefs and beyond: what can we learn from qualitative studies of lay people’s understandings of cancer risk?
Lipworth, W; Davey, H; Carter, SM; Hooker, C; Hu, WPublished 2010-01-01Background: Clinicians and public health professionals are centrally concerned with mediating risk. However people often resist the risk-related information that is communicated to them by experts, or have their own models ...Open AccessArticle -
Beyond rhetoric in debates about the ethics of marketing prescription medicines to consumers: The importance of vulnerability in people, situations and relationships
Carter, SM; Samuel, GN Day R, Ankeny RA, Jordens CFC, Komesaroff P.; Kerridge, I; Day, R; Ankeny, R; Jordens, C; Komesaroff, PPublished 2010-01-01Background This article examines community responses to the marketing of prescription medicines. Historically, debates about such marketing have focused on alleged unscrupulousness of pharmaceutical companies and on the ...Open AccessArticle -
The challenge of overdiagnosis begins with its definition
Carter, SM; Rogers, W; Degeling, C; Doust, J; Barratt, APublished 2015-01-01Overdiagnosis means different things to different people. S M Carter and colleagues argue that we should use a broad term such as too much medicine for advocacy and develop precise, case by case definitions of overdiagnosis ...Open AccessArticle -
CJCheck Stage 1: development and testing of a checklist for reporting community juries – Delphi process and analysis of studies published in 1996–2015
Thomas, R; Sims, R; Degeling, C; Street, JM; Carter, SM; Rychetnik, L; Whitty, JA; Wilson, A; Ward, P; Glaziou, PPublished 2016-01-01Background Opportunities for community members to actively participate in policy development are increasing. Community/citizen's juries (CJs) are a deliberative democratic process aimed to illicit informed community ...Open AccessArticle -
Colorectal cancer screening: Why immunochemical fecal occult blood tests may be the best option
Flitcroft, K; Irwig, LM; Carter, SM; Salkeld, G; Gillespie, JamesPublished 2012-01-01Abstract Background:There are many test options available for colorectal cancer screening. The choice of test relates to the objectives of those offering or considering screening. Discussion:While all screening programs ...Open AccessArticle -
Communicating about screening
Entwistle, V; Carter, SM; Trevena, L; Flitcroft, K; Irwig, L; McCaffery, K; Salkeld, GPublished 2008-01-01Informed choice is important for screening, but not everyone wants or is able to analyse research data. Vikki Entwistle and colleagues propose a new approach to communication People are offered a wide range of screening ...Open AccessArticle -
Decision Making in a Crowded Room: The Relational Significance of Social Roles in Decisions to Proceed With Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
Forsyth, R; Scanlan, Camilla Louise; Carter, SM; Jordens, C; Kerridge, IPublished 2011-01-01Researchers studying health care decision making generally focus on the interaction that unfolds between patients and health professionals.Using the example of allogeneic bone marrow transplant, in this article we identify ...Open AccessArticle -
A definition and ethical evaluation of overdiagnosis
Carter, SM; Degeling, C; Doust, J; Barratt, APublished 2016-07-08Overdiagnosis is an emerging problem in health policy and practice: we address its definition and ethical implications. We argue that the definition of overdiagnosis should be expressed at the level of populations. Consider ...Open AccessArticle -
A definition and ethical evaluation of overdiagnosis: response to commentaries.
Carter, SM; Doust, J; Degeling, C; Barratt, APublished 2016-01-01It is a privilege to have respected colleagues engage with our definition and ethical evaluation of overdiagnosis. In our response to the commentaries, we first deal with paradigmatic issues: the place of realism, the ...Open AccessArticle, Letter -
Despite help on offer, many smokers prefer to quit on their own – here’s why
Smith, Andrea L; Carter, SMPublished 2015-11-11If you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day or have experienced cravings while trying to quit, your doctor has probably recommended a cigarette substitute such as nicotine patches or gum to help you. But our research ...Open AccessArticle -
Doctors' perspectives on PSA testing illuminate established differences in prostate cancer screening rates between Australia and the UK: a qualitative study.
Pickles, K; Carter, SM; Rychetnik, L; Entwistle, VPublished 2016-12-01Objectives To examine how general practitioners (GPs) in the UK and GPs in Australia explain their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing practices and to illuminate how these explanations are similar and how they are ...Open AccessArticle -
Doctors’ approaches to PSA testing and overdiagnosis in primary healthcare: a qualitative study.
Pickles, K; Carter, SM; Rychetnik, LPublished 2015-01-01Objectives: (1) To explain general practitioners’ (GPs’) approaches to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and overdiagnosis; (2) to explain how GPs reason about their PSA testing routines and (3) to explain how these ...Open AccessArticle -
Doing good qualitative research in public health: not as easy as it looks.
Carter, SM; Ritchie, JE; Sainsbury, PPublished 2009-01-01In this paper, we discuss qualitative research for public health professionals. Quality matters in qualitative research, but the principles by which it is judged are critically different from those used to judge epidemiology. ...Open AccessArticle -
The ‘EBM movement’: Where did it come from, where is it going, and why does it matter?
Lipworth, W; Carter, SM; Kerridge, IPublished 2008-01-01Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) has now been part of the dominant medical paradigm for 15 years, and has been frequently debated and progressively modified. One question about EBM that has not yet been considered systematically, ...Open AccessArticle -
An empirical study of the ‘underscreened’ in organised cervical screening: experts focus on increasing opportunity as a way of reducing differences in screening rates.
Williams, J; Carter, SMPublished 2016-01-01Background: Cervical cancer disproportionately burdens disadvantaged women. Organised cervical screening aims to make cancer prevention available to all women in a population, yet screening uptake and cancer incidence and ...Open AccessArticle -
Enacting Internal Coherence as a Path to Quality in Qualitative Inquiry
Carter, SMPublished 2010-01-01In this chapter, I am going to make an argument about how to judge quality and do quality in qualitative research, I’m a little trepidatious taking this on: it’s an old subject and many great authors have written on it ...Open AccessBook chapter -
Enhancing Citizen Engagement in Cancer Screening Through Deliberative Democracy
Rychetnik, L; Carter, SM; Abelson, J; Hazel, T; Barratt, A; Entwistle, V; Mackenzie, G; Salkeld, G; Glaziou, PPublished 2013-01-01Cancer screening is widely practiced and participation is promoted by various social, technical, and commercial drivers, but there are growing concerns about the emerging harms, risks, and costs of cancer screening. ...Open AccessArticle
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