• MagicPlate-512: A 2D silicon detector array for quality assurance of stereotactic motion adaptive radiotherapy. 

      Petasecca, M; Newall, M; Booth, J; Duncan, M; Aldosari, A; Fuduli, I; Espinoza, A; Porumb, C; Guatellli, S; Metcafe, P; Colvill, E; Cammarano, D; Carolan, M; Oborn, B; Lerch, M; Perevertaylo, V; Keall, P; Rosenfeld, A
      Published 2015-06-01
      PURPOSE: Spatial and temporal resolutions are two of the most important features for quality assurance instrumentation of motion adaptive radiotherapy modalities. The goal of this work is to characterize the performance ...
      Open Access