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Cytogenetic manipulation and anther culture of wheat
Published 1993The experiments in this thesis manipulated the breeding system of wheat and triticale first toward outcrossing with male sterility systems, and then toward homozygosity with anther culture systems. To provide a visible ...Thesis -
Cytokine profiles in regressing and non-regressing basal cell carcinomas
Published 1998Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) are the most common human malignancy, and can cause considerable morbidity due to their ability to progressively enlarge and destroy underlying tissues.Thesis -
Published 2015-06-19Thesis -
Cytokinins contents and dry matter accumulation at different position and types of grains within a spike of wheat
Published 2008-01-01Conference poster -
Cytology, genetic variation and inheritance studies in the Sturt desert pea, Swainsona formosa
Published 2005-01-01Thesis -
Cytoreductive nephrectomy for individuals with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Inequities in access despite improved survival
Published 2017The use of cytoreductive nephrectomy (CRN) in the targeted therapy era is still debated. We aimed to determine factors associated with reduced use of CRN and determine the effect of CRN on overall survival in patients with ...Article -
Cytoskeletal dynamics of Cytotoxic T cells during migration in the tumour microenvironment
Published 2015-03-31Typically, migrating T cells display an elongated polarized shape with a very dynamic leading edge and a uropod in the rear. This ‘amoeboid’ movement guarantees a fast migration driven by the formation of polarized protrusions ...Thesis -
Cytoskeletal proteins and early neurodegenerative mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease
Published 2011Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder that is histopathologically characterized by several hallmark lesions, including extracellular plaques comprised of amyloid beta (AB) peptides, neuropil ...Thesis -
Daily Image Guided Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: An assessment of treatment plan reproducibility.
Published 2006-10-01It is well documented that for prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy there is a correlation between target volume displacement and changes in bladder and rectal volumes. However, these studies have used a ...Thesis -
Daily Life: pink ghetto or feminist triumph? An analysis of the content of and responses to Fairfax’s women’s news website.
Published 2013-01-01In the last five years a number of news companies around the world have launched women’s news websites attached to, but distinct from, the regular website for their newspapers. In February 2012 Fairfax launched Daily Life, ...Thesis, Honours -
Dalki Garringa (Good Growing): Co-creating Evidence to Support the Healthy Growth of Children and Improving Food Security Among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in Non-remote Areas of Australia
Published 2023Having a healthy weight in childhood and food security are both vital for the lifelong health and wellbeing of Aboriginal peoples. This thesis aimed to describe the influences driving food insecurity, and the prevalence ...Thesis -
‘Damaged Goods’: Riskiness and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young People’s Interactions with Police
Published 2011-05-17For some time now, research has suggested lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people are ‘at-risk’ of victimisation and legally ‘risky’. Relatively few studies have examined how ‘risk factor’ research ...Conference paper -
Dance and virtual physics: the mass of the object does not necessarily equal the object of the mass.
Published 2013-01-01Motion capture and 3D animation enable the creation of dance in which relationships between mass, weight and morphology are not restricted to the parameters of real-world physics. This paper will draw on a range of motion ... -
Dance communication about a location in honeybees: Vector or location?
Published 2014-07-01Conference paper -
Dance injury epidemiology
Published 2018-02-27Dance greatly contributes to social, cultural and economic development, as well as entertainment and recreational physical activity. There are many different motivators and benefits to dance participation at the recreational, ...Thesis -
Dance, Mimesis, consciousness and the Imagination
Published 2008-06-17One of the primary assumptions of dance studies is that dance as an art only exists in the moment of movement and as a result it is transmitted, in a form of mimesis, directly from the body of the teacher to that of the ...Conference paper -
Dancing in suits: a performer's perspective on the collaborative exchange between self, body, motion capture, animation and audience.
Published 2013-01-01The motion capture process places unique demands on performers. The impact of this process on the simultaneously artistic/somatic nature of dance practice is profound. This paper explores, from a performer’s perspective, ... -
Dancing in the energy fields of light: The release of cultural identity into modern contemporary dance
Published 2004-11-01Article