Browsing by author "Newson, A.J."
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Commentary: Consent and confidentiality in publishing—the view of the BMJ’s ethics committee,
Newson, A.J.; Sheather, JPublished 2008-01-01Two years ago four paediatricians and an ethicist submitted to the BMJa case study as an ethical debate which the BMJ decided not to publish because the authors had not obtained the consent of the patient’s parents for ...Open AccessArticle -
Communication of genetic information within families: the case for familial comity
Davey, A; Newson, A.J.; O’Leary, PPublished 2006-01-01Advances in genetic technologies raise a multitude of ethical issues, some of which give rise to novel dilemmas for medical practice. One of the most controversial problems arising in clinical genetics is that of confidentiality ...Open AccessArticle -
Compensating egg donors, rather than paying them, is the way forward
Newson, A.J.Published 2009-07-27For many women, such as the 1 er cent under 40 who have a remature menopause, the shortage of donated eggs for IVF causes heartache and frustration. If more donated eggs were available, these women's hopes of a family might ...Open AccessArticle -
Consent to the publication of patient information: Incompetent patients may pose a problem (letter)
Newson, A.J.Published 2004-01-01The BMJ ethics committee’s revised policy on consent to the publication of patient information is laudable, 1 but an important matter remains overlooked: publishing cases involving incompetent patients. Much can be learnt ...Open AccessArticle, Letter -
A critical interpretive synthesis of evidence and values in recommendations to disinvest from population Screening
Little, J; Nicholls, SG; Clifford, T; Sikora, L; Atwere, P; Ashcroft, R; Newson, A.J.; Potter, B; Brehaut, J; Graham, I; Wilson, M; Lavis, J; Grimshaw, J; Verweij, M; Dawson, Angus; Coyle, D; Kemper, A; Botkin, J; Dunfield, LPublished 2016-07-01• the interplay between values and evidence in screening policy • methods of an ongoing systematic review • examples of disinvestment decisionsOpen AccessConference paper -
Current ethical issues in synthetic biology: Where should we go from here?
Newson, A.J.Published 2011-01-01Synthetic Biology (SynBio) is an emerging scientific field which has quickly established momentum and visibility. Although no single definition of SynBio prevails, the field broadly encompasses the ...Open AccessArticle -
Danger of more abortions but choice can be protected
Newson, A.J.Published 2008-06-21Free foetal DNA esting can be done ethically provided he right conditions are in place. Pregnant women must receive high-quality information and he optional nature of esting must also be reinforced. One reason hat women ...Open AccessArticle -
Defending ‘secrecy’: why removing donor anonymity may not be a good idea
Newson, A.J.Published 2003-04-28Should children conceived through the use of donated gametes have access to information identifying their donors when they reach maturity? The UK Government is expected soon to decide that, from now on, the answer to this ...Open AccessArticle -
Depression under stress: ethical issues in genetic testing (Refereed Editorial)
Newson, A.J.Published 2009-01-01Genetic testing for risk of depression requires a reconsideration of ethical issues in genetics and how they manifest in psychiatric practice. A precautionary approach is advocated in that there should be limits on the ...Open AccessArticle, Letter -
Dynamics and Ethics of Comprehensive Preimplantation Genetic Testing. A Review of the Challenges
Hens, K; Dondorp, W; Handyside, AH; Harper, J; Newson, A.J.; Pennings, G; Rehmann-Sutter, C; de Wert, GPublished 2013-03-06BACKGROUND: Genetic testing of preimplantation embryos has been used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). Microarray technology is being introduced in both these contexts, ...Open AccessArticle -
Ethical and legal issues in mitochondrial transfer
Newson, A.J.; Wilkinson, Stephen; Wrigley, AnthonyPublished 2016-04-01The US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine recently provided conditional endorsement for mitochondrial transfer. While its approach is more conservative in some respects than that of the United Kingdom ...Open AccessArticle -
Ethical aspects arising from non-invasive fetal diagnosis
Newson, A.J.Published 2008-01-01Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) could significantly change the framework for testing and screening in pregnancy. This chapter reviews the ethical implications of this technology, including current issues in prenatal ...Open AccessArticle -
Ethical considerations for choosing between possible models for using NIPD for aneuploidy detection
Deans, Z; Newson, A.J.Published 2012-01-01Recent scientific advances mean the widespread introduction of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) for chromosomal aneuploidies may be close at hand, raising the question of how NIPD should be introduced as ...Open AccessArticle -
Ethical issues in reproductive genetic carrier screening
Dive, Lisa; Newson, A.J.Published 2020-01-01Reproductive Carrier Screening (RCS) involves testing individuals or couples to determine their likelihood of having a child with certain inherited genetic conditions. RCS raises ethical considerations, including: the ...Open AccessArticle -
Expert Q&A on reproductive screening
Newson, A.J.Published 2014-12-01Q&A Personal Choice in Prenatal Screening: What is prenatal screening and what information can it provide families? What are the benefits for families of using pn. s.? Are there potential harms associated with pn.s.? Do ...Open AccessArticle -
Exploring the potential emotional and behavioural impact of providing personalised genomic risk information to the public: a focus group study
Smit, Amelia K; Keogh, Louise A; Newson, A.J.; Hersch, Jolyn; Butow, Phyllis; Cust, Anne EPublished 2015-01-01Aim: To explore the potential emotional and behavioural impact of providing information on personalised genomic risk to the public, using melanoma as an example, to aid research translation. Methods: We conducted four ...Open AccessArticle -
Exploring the Potential Emotional and Behavioural Impact of Providing Personalised Genomic Risk Information to the Public: A Focus Group Study
Smit A, A K; Keogh, L A; Newson, A.J.; Hersch, J; Butow, PN; Cust, A EPublished 2015-09-22Aim: To explore the potential emotional and behavioural impact of providing information on personalised genomic risk to the public, using melanoma as an example, to aid research translation. Methods: We conducted four ...Open AccessArticle -
For your interest? The ethical acceptability of using non-invasive prenatal testing to test ‘purely for information'
Deans, Z; Clarke, AJ; Newson, A.J.Published 2014-01-01Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an emerging form of prenatal genetic testing that provides information about the genetic constitution of a foetus without the risk of pregnancy loss as a direct result of the test ...Open AccessArticle -
Free fetal DNA for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD): ethical aspects
Newson, A.J.; Deans, ZPublished 2008-01-01Dr Phillipa Brice's accompanying commentary highlights how non-invasive testing of free fetal DNA (ffDNA) in pregnancy could transform women's experiences of antenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis. NIPD is already ...Open AccessArticle -
From foetus to full term - without a mother's touch
Newson, A.J.Published 2005-08-30ARTIFICIAL wombs, to bring a foetus of a human being to full term outside a woman's body, could become a reality within 20 years, scientists have predicted. This could present great advantages in the case of ery premature ...Open AccessArticle
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